
A simple chart component that takes in json data and displays it in various chart styles using Chart.js.


7-day forecast

City: Ashburn

Single data

Multiple data


  • chart

    A chart that illustrates a single y value across the x axis.


    Name Description Type Example
    data an array of key value pair
    type chart type: line, bar, pie, donut, bubble, area, radar. String
    elementid id unique to the chart component String
  • multi-chart

    A chart that illustrates a multiple y value across the x axis.


    Name Description Type Example
    data an array of arrays of key value pair
    datalabels an array that corresponds to each elemenr in the data array Array
    type chart type: line, bar, pie, donut, bubble, area, radar. String
    elementid id unique to the chart component String


  • v1.0.1

    Apr 13, 2014

    [Bug Fixed]
    - Charts are now more responsive on smaller screens.
    - Attributes tables in the home page are now also responsive.

  • v1.0.0

    Apr 13, 2014

    Initial launch of the Chart.js package.
    Added chart and multi-chart components.